New York Postcard – Week 1, April 2016
We had a great first week in the big apple although not at the pace we
once did. No museums yet although
Christie’s auctions of great masters and antiquities was far better than most
galleries … about 400 lots of unbelievably stunning works (
) . There were paintings by Fragonard,
Boucher, Corot, Bellini, Gandolfi, El Greco, Daddi, Botticelli, Mantegna,
Rubens, Van Cleve, Vermeyen, Breughel (I and II), Buonisegna, Guardi, Cimaroli
and many, many others whose names are less familiar to me. There was every style of European art
imaginable, portraits, religious art, still life, scientific, landscapes, agricultural
scene, archaeological subjects, etc, etc.
I went back three times to gander at the offerings and was even tempted
to make a bid (a futile one, it turned out).
The first evening in town we stopped for a peek in the windows. But we realized that 49th Street
was closed off with pedestrians ushered across the road as a very fancy car was
painstakingly backed out of the showroom across the side-walk. Somebody said it was the original Batmobile but in fact it had been the
launch of Bugatti’s new sports car in partnership with Christie’s. We were told that they are only making 400
models, each costing over 2 million dollars!
What are the poor people driving?
[I learned that the original 1955 Batmobile
was actually auctioned for 4.6 million dollars and is now in Arizona]

In other respects, New York is New York.
It was very cold, even below zero some nights. Always busy and not yet spring time people
still have that stern look, hoping for a break in the weather which came the
next week, along with blossoms, flowers and blue skies. I am still amazed at the animation and
diversity of people in the city. Almost
every subway car has someone who could be in the record books: tall, short,
fat, thin, hairy, ugly, gorgeous, noisy, etc.
There are also those who travel one station and sing, recite poetry,
give a life story, etc and then ask for money.
I used to read (and
occasionally write to) Opera-L list-server and found it stimulatingly if
sometimes slightly irritating. Now,
however, I find serious discussion of opera seems subsidiary to goss and floss
which is very disappointing for a once lively forum. We saw two operas at the Met (Butterfly,
Elisir d’Amore) and a NY Philharmonic concert.
I could have thirteen pages on the wonderful experiences (including an
elderly man's walker going missing during the intermission at the Met causing
minor pandemonium). One of the most
staggering stage performances I have seen since Sutherland days was happening
yet days went by with nothing on Opera-L.
It seemed to have contributors buzzing with the crucial issue of the
hairlines of tenors - as if baritones and mezzos don't matter! – but one might add
that Sondra Radvenovsky rips off her entire hair-piece in the finale of Roberto
Devereux with devastating dramatic effect.
But more about that magic opera later. And more later about our second
of three weeks in the city.
Written by Andrew
Byrne ..