Monday, January 27, 2014

Homage to a prolific Satsuma blood plum tree.

Back at home in Burradoo near Bowral: A small amount of care, pruning and fertilizing has been rewarded with a crop of hundreds and hundreds of blood plums.  Located in a narrow garden between a brick wall, a hedge and our driveway, this magnificent tree has surpassed all expectations and given us at least ten fold what it did the year before. 

Now I know why many ancient races have rites and rules about trees.  The Jews have a special day for New Year for trees as well as numerous strictures about when to harvest and never to destroy a fruiting tree, even in war. 
We have managed to harvest tens of kilograms of these beautiful, large 'blood plums' in the middle of January - some we have given away, some are now jam, compote or plum cake (see photos - recipes on request).